Welcome to our Launderettes
Our self-service coin-operated washing machines and dryers give you the freedom and flexibility to wash and dry your laundry as you like. Our laundrettes are open from 8am - 8pm daily, some later. Browse below to find locations, opening times, how to use the machines and what to do if you have a question.
We do not take any responsibility for lost or damaged items.
There are no card payment facilities at our launderettes
All of our washers and dryers are coin-operated so you'll need to make sure you take coins with you. To find out which coins you need,
simply click on your location.
So don't forget your coins!
General Information
Opening times
8am - 8pm
365 days a year
When doors lock, you can leave, but not re-enter so make sure you take everything with you.
What you need
Coins for the machines.
Your pre-sorted laundry
Please find your location to find out more about coins accepted.
Detergent and fabric softener
A bag for your clean laundry
How to use machines
For general advice, click below. For specific instruction, choose your location and identify your machine.
Need to troubleshoot?
Browse our Frequently Asked Questions to find an answer to your query quickly.
Your safety
Premises are private and only open to people for the purpose of washing or drying clothes.
CCTV in operation.
If you feel intimidated, dial 101. In the event of an emergency,
dial 999.
problematic items
Using the launderette is at your own risk. Here are some items that you will need to watch out for.
Most queries can be answered by our FAQs.
For urgent assistance such as technical issues or damage to property / clothing please call 07779136495.
Please be aware that we do not have frequent access to voicemail messages so if there is no answer, please text or call again.
Rude or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.


To help us keep each other safe, we recommend the following:
Wear a face covering
Stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people
Please use your own hand sanitiser and gloves
Do not stand near the entrance to ensure customers can arrive and exit safely
Do not wait in the shop whilst your laundry is in the machine (but please return promptly when the machine has finished)
Where possible, please visit the launderette alone and avoid bringing children

We also recommend you:
Sort your laundry at home
Empty each bag directly into the washer or dryer
Only touch the surfaces you need to
When you have finished your laundry place your items straight into a clean bag
Wash your hands before coming to the launderette and when you return home
Please take home everything that you brought with you, including rubbish, recycling and personal belongings.
How to use the machines
How to use washers
All launderettes have soft water so please do not use excessive amounts of detergent.
General advice for use:
Pre-sort your laundry
Check garment care labels to ensure washable​
Pre-spot if necessary
Empty all pockets in your laundry items
Check that drum is empty & clean before use
Select wash cycle
Load clothes
Add your detergent into hopper or drum
If using soap nuts, these must go directly into the drum
Close door before inserting coins
Insert coins to the correct value, as stated on the machine
Add coins slowly and listen for each coin to register before inserting the next coin
Some machines require "Press Start"
The machine will then run the selected wash cycle
Wait for cycle to finish
Have a clean bag ready for your washing
Open door to collect clean washing. (If there is a red button on the door, please only press this to open.)
Please ensure that the drum is empty & clean after use
Maximum wash cycles are 45 minutes. Do not leave laundry unattended.
If in doubt, find your location and identify the machine you are using for more specific instructions.
For urgent queries, to speak to an engineer or for an out of hours advisor, please call 07779136495 stating which launderette you are in and the number of the machine you are using.
How to use dryers
General advice for use:
Check garment care labels on clothing
Select drier temperature
Check that drum is empty & clean before use
Close door before inserting coins
Insert coins to the correct value, as stated on the machine
Always check that each coin registers
Press start
Wait for cycle to finish
Open door to collect dry washing immediately
Please ensure that the drum is empty & clean after use
DO NOT PUT POLYPROPYLENE in drier. Some duvets are made of polypropylene which will melt in a dryer, even on a 'cool' or 'warm' setting. Please carefully check before drying duvets.
Please be aware that putting trainers, shoes or boots in the dryer may cause the door to open and dry cycle to shut off.
Please review more problematic items below.
If in doubt, find your location and identify the machine you are using for more specific instructions.
For urgent queries, to speak to an engineer or for an out of hours advisor, please call 07779136495 stating which launderette you are in and the number of the machine you are using.
Problematic items
problematic items
These items are prohibited or require special attention.
- Polypropylene. This is sometimes used in duvets and is highly likely to melt when put in the dryer - even at a low temperature setting. Polypropylene will dry quickly at home in a warm, airy place.
- Duvets made of Rayon (including Modal) are likely to get damaged when put in the dryer - even at a low temperature setting.
- Trainers, shoes and boots. These may cause the dryer door to open and the dry cycle to shut off. If drying these items, please ensure the dryer is attended at all times.
- Wool & silk. Items made from wool or silk may be damaged.
- Transfers & appliqué. Follow care instructions on garments that have transfers or appliqué to ensure these are not damaged.
- Feathers & Down. Follow care instructions to ensure these wash and dry without damage. You may wish to use low temperature settings and dryer balls for best results.
- Colours. Wash dark colours separately and where advised by garment washing instructions to ensure colours do not bleed.
- items listed as 'do not tumble dry'. If unsure, please review your laundry labels against our laundry care symbols guide.
- Small or sharp items. Please ensure that you remove everything from pockets in your laundry (eg trouser pockets) to ensure there are no sharp or small items that may cause damage to your washing during the wash or dry cycles.
- Materials used for aromatherapy, oily rags, greasy kitchen towels or kitchen whites can cause a problem if you put them in the dryer. Please ensure that these items are pre-soaked and washed thoroughly before drying. If drying these items, please ensure the dryer is attended at all times.
The Environment
the environment
What we do:
Pay the climate change levy
Carefully manage the volume of water used in each wash
Ensure all launderettes have soft water so washes require less detergent
Ensure large loads of washing can be done by larger machines than at home, making washing more economical for families
Regularly service machines to ensure they are working to their optimum standards and lint is removed regularly from dryers to ensure maximum efficiency
What you can do:
Take your rubbish home to recycle and prevent it going into commercial landfill
Check garment labels to ensure you are washing correctly
Wash laundry less often and only wash what you need to
Use natural detergents
Please note that soap nuts MUST be placed in the main drum with your laundry​
Buy clothes that won’t shed plastic microfibres
Use dryer balls in the dryers to reduce dry time and soften clothes